Cold Weather Is No Match for These 6 Stylish Face Beanies

If you live in a locale that actually has winter, there's a very good chance you're either currently getting pummeled by cold weather or about to be. And when winter weather really kicks in, you want to be ready with your warmest hoodies, driest gloves, and biggest-ass coat. But on those days when the winter weather is particularly wretched (i.e. right now if you live in the Northeast), a balaclava—basically a beanie for your face and head—can be the difference between time spent outside that's tolerable and miserable. Now, if your pomade-heavy 'do takes a solid amount of time in the morning, know that these tight knit caps are going to be your worst nightmare. But if you're the kind of guy that likes to rock a beanie at work, anyway (or on the weekends), a balaclava is just an extra line of defense when you have to brave the elements. Just, please, for all our sake, don't wear one of those "funny" versions with the fake knit beard over your face. Instead, here are six we're liking right now that look cool and will keep your nose from going full on icicle status.
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