Ryan Reynolds Grew Out His Fall Beard and So Should You 

And more from the week in celebrity grooming. 
Ryan Reynolds in New York City.nbsp
Ryan Reynolds in New York City. NDZ/Star Max

This is Grooming Gods, a tour of the best and wildest grooming out there this week. 


NDZ/Star Max

Ryan Reynolds 

When the temperatures drop and leaves start to change, it might be time to unleash the fall beard. 



Cam Newton 

It also might be time to grow out a fall beard even if it's on the patchy side.


Emma McIntyre

Kid Cudi 

The bubblegum hair is rad enough, but it's the skin fade on the sides that really lands this plane. 


Nathaniel S. Butler

David Beckham and James Harden 

Two tier-one Grooming Gods linking and building courtside in Brooklyn. It's hard to focus on anything besides Harden's enormous and excellent beard, but also be sure to check out how tidy those braids are.  


Chloe Knott - Danehouse

Cristiano Ronaldo

We're not going to claim this fade was responsible for Ronaldo's big week at Manchester United, but it certainly didn't hurt. 


Jamie McCarthy

Lil Nas X 

Come for the nail polish, stay for the razor-sharp hairline. 



Jared Leto 

Leto's Adam Neumann hair for the WeWork movie transitioned smoothly to a Gucci fashion show. That's range.